

how love should be


elke minuut zweigend

van de minaar die je roekeloos maakt

een fluwelen stemwankelend,steunzoekend

alle leden huiveren van een hart


stamelen maar geen woord toonbaar

geen bezwaar in enige vorm

geen durf om hem te tarten

een eigenaardige sensatie op het hart gedrukt in zijn nabijheid

onvrijwillige emoties overmeesteren

slachtoffer van je eigen begeerte

ontkenning is onbegonnen werk

warme gloed overstroomt

innige betuigingen

van eeuwige liefde en trouw

de vonken schitteren

liefkozingen klinken als stralende parels

bedwelmd onder de blik van je ogen

hoe kan je je daar tegen verweren

en waarom zou je



i want to cut my eye s with a raiser

so eyes won t miss

i want everything that belongs too you

i want your ugly,i want your disease

but don t step on my heart with your stilleto heals

your my property,and i m your hitler

your love makes me sick you make me act freaksly and flip out i feel like a freak near you

if i can t have you your a dead men walking with a dick that is split

we will be 2 hearts in one body

but i ll have too cut you up

your love makes me a freak in the sheats day and night

i feel like a prostitute

you can find money in all my cracks

you drive me crazy, it s like living in the twilight zone it feels insane

your like soup on a hot day

your killing me cuz you love is deadly good

you should have a warning don t try this at home

but all in all yu rock the hell out of me

she s the wings under

 my blue heaven wings

the heart that you long for

the heart you share

the heart that you hope will

always beat for you

the heart that will love

the heart that you love

faith works it s magic

the pieces come together

how 1 moment

can change a milion afther it

caught in a moment of time

in my dreams we would meet

but know i dream with open eyes

every desicion will cause a chain of

change in your life

once we regret

once we agree ,

once we think

once we strive for perfetion

the out come of our actions

too see higher ground

and become the person that mothers try too raise

be the best you can acheave

some times it s difficult to keep your head above water

getting trough the rough spots

because every beginning has an end and every end has a begining

of something bad or good

if the bad can be so the good will be

sometimes you dream

sometimes you meet

sometimes you love

and then you don t dream anymore

because your dream with open eyes

your living your dreams

what dreams may come

plaatje van een groepje vlinders



ie broko abana

ie boike a bana


ie draai ing

lick wang ranger

     ie wassing

ie hosse ing

ie mik modo

ma a bana ne go moro

ie no mang wakka no moro


wit mang ai kong naga langa niffie

ie conie in a libie

té wé doe ogrie

ie no doe lauw lauw sanie

no mik ie srevie blacka ma witi

money na wang sanie a witmang sabi

nagga mooi mooi waggie

ekte ekte

oe arcie crazy

sa mi singie

na wang echte didibri

ie ab to buy wang kogelvrij vest

na sranang mang

a liebi tok no best

alla sat ie tapoe

kang kier ie contest

mie aski fa a kang

taigie oenoe na spang sranang mang

no mek ie money broeia

ding kaar mi crazy mang



dang wang day

conni dé conni

conni tik wang tiki

dang a tiki be spang

a vrouw pinna lik wang vos

if ie no jang go tang in ganna

no doe lauw lauw sani

loekoe crazy modo auw gi lef

no wang kang tak dat dat srevie no kang

broeia jang no mek ie spang


alla oema sma if dé fini

na ie loekoe na wang hoer

té ding taki sondro oe a kang mek wang moer

so ding mang a fin a oema

ding fok ding oema op

trawang gi ding bere

dat ding lolling lik wang vos

mi taiga oema no spang

masra gado hoor ie top

ie fin wang betre liebi

auw loekoe lik baros

soru sot auw tof

ie kang tikie

 chiengso stof

a liebie soso sarie

ie kong mangri lik wang stok

                                                                             masra gado sarie

dang ie kong spang lik manja cros

 mi taigi tak a oema né drop gebruik ie verstang

naga soema yé dé


2 sma fitti to hoor wang mang






ie tak ie doro

mi tak ai no

dat na wang torie

 dat me moes takie


ie dé

ie doro

dang mi taki ai no

laticia ai long gwe

dang ie kong

ie  dé

dang mi arcie crazy

dang yé dé

dang yé go

en a oema drop

dang a oema tak

if ie do ogrie sanie

no do lauw lauw sani

tamara dé tak

a bé dé fok op

kang mik wang moer

vulnerabile but trying to colate

 give me a reason too fight

 just a little bit of nothing

 just a little bit of everything

it was a sence of being

an eruption of emotions

an other love

confussed with bluredlinnes

but knowing too find it

possesions of the heart

concield between my lips

a tresurre too keep

and told with meeting the surfusse of my lips

every exhale of breath writes your name happiness 

perfetion in an imperfect world

recent arival is pinned

gif Cool omg water rain transparent transparent gif


evrything you ever wanted everything makes sence now

going from bit to bit extending the borders of the heart

capture the essense of constantly falling in love with you

an oportunity to explore within

disire is a great thing or a torture

exsisthing and growing

an infanat love epic


My love for you
Is more delicate
Than new leaves
Of spring.

My love for you
Is more fragrant
Than rose buds
To bloom.

My love for you
Is more brilliant
Than morning rays
Of sun.

My love for you
Is far deeper
Than still water
Of lake.

My love for you
I hold it dear
You merely glance
Let go.

Being with you for just
Shadows vanish with your

Feeling the warmth of
your touch
Has come to mean so
very much

Like the calming of the
Being with you means
much to me.

heather burns


I will be your ground
Supporting you in every way
I will be the shoulder you lean on
In every hurtful situations
I will wipe away your tears
In every heart breaking moments

Your dream will be my dream
Your happiness will be my happiness
I will stand by you and be with you
You will never have to worry
My loyalty and love
Will only be yours


I want us to be as close
As sealed lips
Every time you are forced down
I come up to meet you
And in the middle
We find our bliss.

plaatje met liefdestekst



some songs are poatic if yu listen to the lyrics




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